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If you would like to propose an event,

please contact our Cultural Events Coordinator,

Dr. Arianna Dagnino



Sat, 6 March 2024, `12:00 pm
On Zoom
In Italian

Il grande avventuriero

A quasi 300 anni dalla nascita, la storia di una vita straordinaria ci è stata raccontata da Alessandro Marzo Magno, autore di un libro che è insieme la biografia di uno dei veneziani più noti al mondo e un affresco originale dell’Europa del Settecento

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“True North. Still True? 
Canada Seen through Italian Eyes”

Event details:
Fabrizio Nava will drew on his recent book, "True North. Journey into the identity of Canada" (Rubbettino Editore), to explore what it means to be a Canadian nowadays and whether lessons from a multicultural society and its involvement in peacekeeping efforts globally can aid in navigating the complexities of an increasingly fractured world marked by conflicting elements and perspectives.

Sat., 20 Jan., 2024
12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT
In Italian - on Zoom


Sat., 18  Nov., 2023

12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT

In English and Italian - on Zoom

Soul Food. Cibo per l'anima.
Bilingual Poetry Marathon

Event details:

To celebrate Italian cuisine week worldwide,

we have organized a bilingual poetry marathon.

Inspired by the rich Italian culinary culture & heritage,

ten poets have crafted unique poems exclusively for this event. They presented their works in both Italian and English.

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Sat., 21 Oct., 2023
12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT
In Italian - on Zoom

“Quando l’acqua finirà... Dalle fattorie verticali a una dieta sostenibile”

Event details:

Un web talk dell'ingegner Paolo Meregalli

Come far fronte a un mondo in cui le risorse idriche continuano a ridursi e l’accesso all’acqua e ai terreni coltivabili è diventato fra le priorità assolute per la sopravvivenza della razza umana su questo pianeta? Ce lo
racconta l’ingegnere Paolo Meregalli, recentemente impegnato in un progetto di “agricoltura verticale” (Planet Farms) che cambierà il modo di coltivare ma anche di consumare prodotti agricoli incontaminati.

Evento organizzato con il supporto della Società Dante Alighieri di Roma, dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Toronto e del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Vancouver.

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

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Sat., 22 Sept, 2023
12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT
In English - on Zoom

The Betrothed (I promessi sposi): A masterpiece of 19th century Italian literature rediscovered

Event details:

A literary voyage with Dr. Michael F. Moore to discover all that is important to know about the most famous and widely read historical novel in the Italian language. I promessi sposi/The Betrothed (1827), by 19th century writer Alessandro Manzoni, is a work of foundational Italian literature on par with Dante’s Divine Comedy and Boccaccio’s Decameron.

The event was organized in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society in Rome and the General Consulate of Italy in Vancouver.

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Lady Constance and Italo Calvino in Liguria”

Event details:

A journey across the hidden beauty of the Italian Riviera on the tracks of Oscar Wilde’s wife, Lady Constance Lloyd, and one of the most prominent Italian writers of the 20th century, Italo Calvino.
This literature-themed tour was led by the Italian journalist and writer Laura Guglielmi, who authored the novel "Lady Constance Lloyd. L'importanza di chiamarsi Wilde" (Morellini) and the  book "Italo Calvino a Sanremo, alla ricerca di una città scomparsa" (Il canneto editore).

Fri., 9 June, 2023
12:00 pm-1:00 pm PDT
In bilingual mode - on Zoom

“L’artista dell’anima. Giotto e il suo tempo”

Event details:
presentazione del libro di Alessandro Masi "L’artista dell’anima. Giotto e il suo tempo"  (Neri Pozza, 2022). Un testo che intreccia documentazione e creatività, sostenuto da citazioni letterarie e dalla presenza in controluce di grandi personaggi come San Francesco d’Assisi e Dante Alighieri, nel tentativo di ricostruire, nelle sue diverse sfaccettature, tra luci e ombre, la figura di Giotto che, rinnovando e riempiendo di umanità la pittura medievale, pose le premesse per il grande Rinascimento italiano.

Sat., 20 May, 2023
10:00 am-11:00 am PDT
In Italian - on Zoom


“Homage to Paganini & Beyond”

Event details:

A concert by classical guitarist Carlo Fierens

A classical guitar concert dense with various and contrasting emotions, much in the spirit of the legendary musician who got to be known as “The Devil’s Violinist". With musical pieces from the 19th up to the 21st century.
The music was presented by performer, musicologist, and educator Carlo Fierens. Fierens is an accomplished musician and, most notably, the winner of the Alirio Diaz competition in Rome.

Th., April 6, 2023
6:30 pm-8:00 pm PDT
The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Vancouver, BC

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“An Italian poet
cruising through Manhattan”

Event details:

a poetic journey through New York City, which in 2016 welcomed Italian poetess Sara Fruner with all its harsh contradictions. Urban beauty — Sara would soon find out — can sparkle with horror and trauma: this surprising contrast opened up a new emotional territory that her imagination was eager to explore. The poet will walk us through her urban poetic experience, and read from her volume, Bitter Bites from Sugar Hills.

Sat 18 March, 2023
12:00 pm-1:30 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

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Sat 18 Febr, 2023
12:00 pm-1:30 pm PST
In Italian - On Zoom

"Sulle tracce dei Templari.
Dal Lazio a Gerusalemme"
In search of the knights

Event details:

Viaggio storico e geografico nei misteri dell’Ordine cavalleresco dei Templari accompagnati da una guida d’eccezione, lo psicologo e criminologo Marco Strano.

  • La nascita dell'Ordine dei Cavalieri Templari

  • Monaci e Guerrieri

  • I Templari in Terrasanta e in Europa

  • Persecuzione e distruzione dell'Ordine

  • I simboli e la loro misteriosa attività

  • La presenza dei Templari nella provincia di Rieti


Jan 27, 2023
12:00 pm-1:30 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

“In the Maëlstrom of History. A conversation with Miriam”

On the occasion of the “Day of Remembrabce for the Shoah”,
the Dante Alighieri Society of BC
and the Institute of Italian Culture in Toronto
invite you to the presentation of the book by Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin

Event details:

At the centre of historical events there are always personal stories. In her book, In the Maëlstrom of History. A conversation with Miriam (Arpa D’Or) Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin finds the threads that link personal lives to History and creates a choral narrative that explores the experience of the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the lives of people who live along changing national borders.
The author will take part in the book discussion together with Prof. Konrad Eisenbichler (University of Alberta) and Dr. Diego Bastianutti (Queen’s University).
Dr. Arianna Dagnino (The University of British Columbia) will moderate the event.
In collaboration with the Club Giuliano Dalmato di Toronto.

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Oct 21, 2022
12:00 pm-1:30 pm PST
In Italian - On Zoom

“"L’alfabeto della rinascita. Viaggio nell'eccellenza italiana"”

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, presented a web talk by Sociologist Francesco Morace.

Event details:

Prendendo spunto dal suo ultimo libro, il Prof. Morace ci accompagnerà in un viaggio nel cuore dell’imprenditoria e dell’eccellenza italiana toccando i seguenti punti:
• Italian Human Design: la creatività italiana incontra l’empatia    
• Valori e stereotipi italiani: an extra-ordinary common place
• Il senso del gusto e l’amore per il dettaglio (Alessi e Zanotta)
• L’ingegno applicato a settori diversi (Herno e Inglesina)
• La cooperazione che parte dalle famiglie (Granarolo e Melinda)
• Fatto su misura (Cosberg e Opto Engineering)
• Estetica ed Etica aumentata (Kartell)

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“The Russia-Ukraine War &
the Wrecking of the Liberal World Order”

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, presented a web talk by Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi.

Event details:

What does the Russian invasion of Ukraine tell us about the collapse of the liberal world order? Prof. Vittorio Parsi, Director of the High School in International Studies at the Cattolica University in Milan, will offer his interpretation of the current events in the light of his most recent book, The Wrecking of the Liberal World Order (Springer, 2022).

Sept 26, 2022
12:00 pm-1:30 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

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May 26, 2022
7:30 pm-8:30 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

“Rome. Seduced by Her”

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, presented a web talk by Mark Tedesco.

Event details:

Mark Tedesco is an author and history teacher who used to live in Rome. In his book, She Seduced Me. A Love Affair with Rome (Dixi Books), Mark brings the city to life through its stories.
Mark interviewed Romans, expats, artists, historians and archeologists. He also researched important historical figures, including Augustus, Nero, Caravaggio and others.

In this talk, as he does in his book, Mark transported us into another world and
revealed the “eternal city” through informative, funny and insightful stories.

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April 22, 2022
12:00 pm-1:45 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

Food Emerging Trends & Italian Food 

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, presented a web talk by Nicola Chiaranda.

Event details:

The talk has examined the following topics concerning food and agriculture:
- Food security, with over 800 million hungry people and over 2 billion undernourished.
- Food safety and the GMO debate.
- Food sustainability, given about 1/4 of CO2 emissions are agrifood-related and about 30% of food is wasted.
- Food systems, the food value chains.
- The increasing trend of “out of home” consumption.
- The Food vs Fuel debate, given the increasing price of grains.
- Food Technology in addressing the current challenges. - Legislative approaches to Food in Northern America and Europe.
- Final reflections on Italian Food between the different trends, perceptions and current reality.

About the presenter:
Nicola Chiaranda has a Master’s Degree in Economy from the University of Venice and a long career as a Finance and Business Development executive. With his company Cropfield Consulting, he now provides advice on Strategy, Business Development & Finance especially to Agribusiness and Food multinational companies. Nicola teaches Private Equity and Development Funding at the University of Venice and invests in innovative agribusiness & food start-up.

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"North Americans do business
like Italians do lunch"

March 17, 2022
6:30 pm-7:45 pm PST
In English - On Zoom

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, presented a web talk by Dr. Ernesto Sirolli. 

Event Details:

Following several decades of work with global entrepreneurs and communities, Dr Ernesto Sirolli has shared his insights on how he engages European audiences to understand innovative business practices in California.

Get ready to be entertained and provoked by this Italian with the most Italian followers on TED.

About the presenter:

Dr. Ernesto Sirolli is a community iron man with a Master’s Degree in Political Sciences from Rome University and a PhD in Sustainable Development for Local Enterprise Facilitation from Murdoch University. He is the author of the books Ripples from the Zambezi and How to start a business and ignite your life. In 2012 he gave a TEDX talk, "Shut up and Listen," whose message has been translated into 35 languages and downloaded +3 million times. Dr. Sirolli lives in California and is the founder of the Sirolli Institute for social enterprise –

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Saturday, February 26, 2022
at 12:00 pm PST
Online event via Zoom
In English

FREE for members
$10 donation for non-members 

I, Pinocchio, The True & Only One
Confessions of a puppet who converted from matter to soul

The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented a web talk by Prof. Carlo Testa.

At the tender age of 140, I, Pinocchio, the true and only one, am upset that a foolish and debased version of my life experience should so widely circulate in the world, especially in the English-speaking part of it.

True, when I was a puppet I was foolish and did foolish things.

But that’s no reason, today, to deny the significant lesson that my vicissitudes contain.

I have now the opportunity to share my hard-won insights with the Italophile community in Vancouver through my acquaintance, Carlo Testa. Carlo is passionate about my life and (mis)deeds and can address the public in a tongue foreign to me. He does not know everything about me, but I endorse his presenting the most important facts about my life story. Enjoy the talk!

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Saturday, January 8, 2022
at 12:00 pm PST
Online event via Zoom
In Italian

FREE for members
$10 donation for non-members 

Un Musicista in Barca a Vela
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the ICC of Toronto, presented a talk & concert by orchestra director Roberto Soldatini.

Roberto Soldatini ha due amori: la musica e il mare.
E’ riuscito a coniugarli in un connubio perfetto.
Compiuti i 50 anni, ha venduto casa e,
da allora, vive e lavora a bordo della sua
barca a vela.
In questo talk, Soldatini ci parlerà dei tre libri che ha dedicato a questa esperienza, intervallando la presentazione con brani musicali suonati dal vivo sul suo violoncello.
Ci parlerà in particolar modo di Denecia Approdi, racconto della sua traversata da
Napoli a Venezia toccando la Grecia, il Montenegro e l’Albania durante il periodo di lockdown.

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Friday, December 17, 2021
at 12:00 pm PST
Online event via Zoom
In English

FREE for members
$10 donation for non-members 

The Diet of Pythagoras: The origins of vegetarianism in ancient Greece
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented a webinar on the Pythagorean diet with Professor Alberto Jori.

The vegetarian diet, today so widespread & "fashionable", has had a very long &
fascinating history. Until the nineteenth century, it was called ‘the Pythagorean diet’:
this is because its origin, at least in Western culture, dates to the philosopher Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC.
In this speech, we will discuss the characteristics of Pythagorean vegetarianism & Pythagoras’ motivations behind prohibiting the killing of animals & the consumption of meat.
The conference will therefore have a historical & medical character as well as a philosophical one.

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Art Forum & Exhibit "Dialogo Muto": A photographer, a painter, & their mute dialogue
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture Toronto, presented an Art Forum on the creative process with Stefano Gulmanelli & Andrea Padovani.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021
at 6:30 pm PST
IN-PERSON: T.K. Gallery, Vancouver Maritime Museum
In English

FREE Admission
MC: Dr. Arianna Dagnino (UBC) 

Some of the artists' works were exhibited physically, others only digitally. In either format, they helped start a conversation with the audience on the silent workings of inspiration and creativity.

Creativity in the visual arts needs few words; sometimes no words at all. In their “mute dialogue”, two Italo-Canadian artists – photographer Stefano Gulmanelli &
painter Andrea Padovani – found a way of expressing and sharing their creative instincts.
In this interactive art forum, they will show – more than tell –
a creative process born out of improvisation, the anarchy of feelings, and trust.

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La Storia del Libro Stampato: Venezia nel cinquecento e il genio rivoluzionario di Aldo Manuzio
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented a talk (in Italian) by Alessandro Marzo Magno on the history of the print book.  

Saturday, November 13, 2021
at 12:00 pm PST
Online event via Zoom
In Italian

FREE for members
$5 donation for non-members 

Aldo Manuzio inventa il libro come noi lo conosciamo oggi, con nome dell’autore, titolo e logo dell’editore sul frontespizio, le pagine numerate da entrambi i lati, l’indice. Nel 1501 adotta il formato piccolo per stampare classici latini e italiani e inventa il tascabile come lo usiamo anche ai nostri giorni. Inventa il carattere corsivo e i suoi caratteri tondi romani sono alla base di quelli utilizzati oggi. Soprattutto inventa il piacere di leggere, la lettura per passatempo, prima di lui si leggeva soprattutto per istruirsi o per lavoro, dopo di lui si legge per passare momenti piacevoli.


Italiano che Cambia: Alla ricerca di nologismi, eufemismi e questioni di genere
In collaboration with the Italian Institue of Culture in Toronto, The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented a talk by Valerio Zangarini. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021
at 10:00 am PDT
Online event via Zoom
In Italian

FREE Admission

Viaggio nell’italiano contemporaneo alla ricerca di parole ed espressioni nuove, incluse quelle che rivelano il mutato rapporto tra lingua, sesso e genere. Valerio Zangarini analizza come la declinazione di certi vocaboli possa cambiarne il significato finale, incidendo spesso sulla realtà che indicano.

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Saturday, October 16, 2021
at 10:30 am PDT
Online event via Zoom
In Italian

FREE for members
$5 donation for non-members 

The History of Banks in Early Modern Italy
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented a talk (in Italian) by Alessandro Marzo Magno on the history of banks & the etymology of bankers’ jargon in a time when Italy was still divided into many states often at war with one another. 

Il made in Italy riguarda anche settori inattesi, come la banca e la finanza. Quasi tutti gli strumenti che utilizziamo ai nostri giorni – dalle obbligazioni allo scoperto di conto, dalla girata alla partita doppia – sono stati messi a punto verso la fine del Medioevo tra Genova e la Toscana. I banchieri italiani, chiamati “lombardi”, hanno esportato queste conoscenze nelle più importanti piazze finanziarie d'Europa, da Anversa a Londra

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The Piano & The Classical Art of Being Silly
In collaboration with the Italian Institue of Culture in Toronto, The Dante Alighieri Society of BC presented Julian Gargiulo aka The PIanist with the Hair

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
at 6:00 pm PDT
Online event via Zoom
In English

The program combined standard classical repertoire, tango transcription, & original music, all presented in Julian’s signature style: interactive, informal, & humorous.

Julian Gargiulo is a pianist, composer, & Steinway Artist. He performs regularly in venues such as Carnegie Hall,

United Nations, Moscow Conservatory Hall, Symphony Stage in Singapore, & Seymour Theatre in Sydney, & has been featured on Radio & TV stations in North America, Europe, & Asia.


Tuesday July 6, 2021
at 7:00 pm PDT
Online event via Zoom
In English & Italian

The Campfire of Italian Stories - Il Falò dei Racconti
Celebrating Italian Summer with the Dante Society of BC
Multiple talks (in Italian)

Gather around a virtual campfire for an evening of storytelling & conversation
on Italian culture & traditions.


We discovered Novara's rice fields and the secrets for a perfect risotto, the ancient flavours of Sicily, the art of frescoes, life in Florence in the '60s through the eyes of a (then) young Canadian, & so much more!

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Thursday, May 27, June 10, June 24 & Tuesday June 29, 2021
at 7:00 pm PDT
Online event via Zoom
In English
FREE ADMISSION for Dante's members
$10/4 episodes for non-members

Italy's Secret Gem:
Friuli Venezia Giulia
4 evenings to discover a surprising, little-known part of Italy
A talk by Patrizia Pietroniro

Get off the beaten path & find an authentic way of appreciating Italy! 
With Patrizia Pietroniro, we explored Friuli’s complex history through its UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the ancient Roman city of Aquileia & Renaissance star city of Palmanova. She discussed the Friulan culture & language, hybrid cuisine, & the strong bond between Canada & Friuli
We discovered the city of Gorizia, the 2025 European Capital of Culture, & how Trieste preserves its unique border-town culture.

Oliviero Godi-frantoio ipogeo nel Salent

Thursday, May 13, 2021

at 5:00 pm PST

Online Event via Zoom

In English

FREE ADMISSION for Dante Society's Members - $5 for non-members

Architectural Portraits: Exploring the relationship between body, design & the built environment
A talk by photographer & architect Oliviero Godi

The human being – so fragile, so ethereal, speaking a sweet language. A piece of architecture – so physically immanent, so solid, speaking a language of hardness.​

Italian photographer & architect Oliviero Godi explored the relationship between the body & the material, the transient & the permanent, in search of the correct balance where neither element prevails.

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Dante's Odyssey: An Apocalypse Now - Tales from an inner journey
A talk by filmmaker Max Leonida

Thursday, April 22, 2021

at 6:30 pm PST

Online Event via Zoom

In English

FREE ADMISSION for Dante Society's Members - $10 for non-members

Francis Ford Coppola’s epic war film is the arrival point of an artistic & spiritual thread that connects Homer’s Odyssey, Dante’s Divine Comedy & Coppola’s Apocalypse Now. In this talk, the intimate connection between these three masterpieces was fully explained & revealed, strongly corroborated by literary sources, historical facts, philosophical phenomena & cultural references.

Hanging out with Galileo: The Man, His Life, His Science - A talk by Dr. Luciano Canova

Friday, March 26, 2021

at 12:00 pm PST

Online Event via Zoom

In English

FREE ADMISSION for Dante Society's Members - $5 for non-members

Behind Galileo’s famous beard & gruff eyes lies the story of a man with all his flaws & weaknesses.

Yet a man who, more than any of his contemporaries, set the tone for a modern way of doing science.


Italian economist Luciano Canova talked about Galileo’s extraordinary life & the way he taught us to debunk fake news using “hard-boiled eggs”.

How Olivetti Invented the World's First Desktop Computer & Put the Soul in the Machine - A talk by Dr. Arthur Molella

Thursday, March 11, 2021

at 5:00 pm PST

Online Event via Zoom

In English

FREE ADMISSION for Dante Society's Members - $5 for non-members

An Italian company Olivetti invented the world’s first desktop computer in 1965, well ahead of major computer companies.

The revolutionary little machine, called Programma 101 (now in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art) was the seed of a process that eventually disrupted the whole mainframe computer business. It was the product of a sweeping utopian project of company president Adriano Olivetti, who aimed to transform the relationship between technology, art, society & the human spirit.

This lecture explored the associations between his ideology, his reinvention of the Olivetti company town of Ivrea in northern Italy & Programma 101.

From the Renaissance to the Italian Factor - A talk by Italian sociologist Francesco Morace

Thursday, February 25, 2021

at 5:00 pm PST

Online Event via Zoom

In English


The very essence of Italianness can be summed up in specific elements that make the Italian Way to design thinking unique: human values, tailor-made, artistic touch, taste, attention to detail & the pursuit of excellence.


In this webinar Italian sociologist Francesco Morace identified & present values & behaviours that, taken together, constitute the Italian Factor. Especially in this Covid phase of radical change, these elements might prove to be consistent with the new paradigms of the future: Unique & Universal, Crucial & Sustainable, Trust & Sharing, Quick & Deep.

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So, you want to buy a place in Italy. Now, what?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

at 6:30 pm PST

Online By Donation Event via Zoom

In English

It’s the stuff dreams are made of.  You’re sitting on your stone terrazza overlooking the valley & you’re sipping on a 2016 Brunello you bought in the local enotecaIt’s the dream Canadian couple Silvana Saccomani & Graham Wetter had. Today, they own a lovely apartment in the hilltop Renaissance town of Montepulciano in Tuscany.

In this light-hearted presentation, the couple shared the lessons learned in their experience of buying & renovating a place in the bel paese, the ups & downs, feeling like a local &, most importantly, would they do it all over again?

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Leonardo & the Italian Idea of Technique - From Painting to Engineering 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

at 6:30 pm PST

Online By Donation Event via Zoom

In English

Online Lecture by Dr. Luca Cottini

Creator & Host of the Youtube Show Italian Innovators

Prof. Luca Cottini explored the Italian idea of technique on the Italian humanistic approach to technology in construction, engineering & manufacturing from Leonardo da Vinci to the Present.

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Watch this lecture on our YouTube

Blessed or Damned? 
Italian recipes with a Dantesque twist!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

at 12:00 noon PST

Online By Donation Event via Zoom

In English

To celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death, the Dante Alighieri Society of BC presents Italian Chef Claudia Fraschini, who launched her book of Italian recipes inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy titled Beata o Dannata? La Divina Commedia è servita (Trenta Editore, Milan).

For the occasion, Chef Fraschini showcased the preparation of two of the intriguing recipes featured in the book.

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Four Evenings with Dante &
his Divine Comedy - At the roots of medieval spirituality, symbolism & imagination

Free 4-episode Webinar in English on Zoom

from 6:30 to 8:00 PM (PT)

Dec. 7, 2020: Dante's life & his source of inspiration: Beatrice

Dec. 14, 2020: The Divine Comedy: Inferno

Dec. 21, 2020: The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio

Dec. 28, 2020: The Divine Comedy: Paradiso

A medieval journey with UBC 

Prof. Daniela Boccassini

into Dante's Divine Comedy to discover the spiritual messages, allegories, and powerful visions hidden in the best known of Italian poems written 700 years ago.

This event is been organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver.

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Watch the four evenings on our YouTube

The Language of Music: An Italian Affair

October 21, 2020

from 7:30 to 9:00 PM (PT)

Free Online Event

in English


A demo webinar with Maestro

Carlo Fierens: a talk on the relevance of Italian Language in the history of Western Music.

Music samples have been performed by Carlo Fierens on classical guitar.

This event is been organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver as part of celebrations for the Week of the Italian Language in the World.

ART & WINE Flyer
Art & Wine: A Grand Tour through Italy

Four Online Episodes

from 6:30 to 8:15 PM (PT)

#1 October 1, 2020: Italy, young country?

#2 October 22, 2020: Piemonte (part 1)

#3 November 12, 2020: Sardegna

#4 December 3, 2020: Toscana (part 1)

Follow Italian architect and sommelier, Giulietta Roz, on a Grand Tour of Italy's diversity through

art and wine.

Discover hidden gems of local art, architecture, nature and learn how to enjoy regional wines.

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From Leonardo to the

January 21, 2020, 7:00 PM
Museum of Vancouver (Joyce Walley Hall) 
1100 Chestnut St., Vancouver

A talk by Italian journalist Roberto Bonzio celebrating the power of unconventional thinking as a driver of innovation at the crossroads between counterculture and hi-tech through portraits of inspiring figures, some with Italian names

Alberto Testa’s Lyrics

October 23, 2019, 6:30 pm
Vancouver Maritime Museum 
1905 Ogden Ave., Vanier Park, Vancouver  

An evening devoted to music — playing, reading, discussing Italian pop songs of the 1960s-1970s. What these songs have in common is their lyricist, the late Alberto Testa, as it was explained by his son, UBC’s Professor Carlo Testa.

The Vancouver Cello in Quartet

June 21, 2019, 7:30 pm
Koerner Hall, Vancouver Academy of Music 
1270 Chestnut Street, Vancouver

The program included pieces and arias by a selection of notable Italian composers (Tomaso Albinoni, Giacomo Puccini, Gioachino Rossini, Antonio Vivaldi).

With the support of the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver.

To Publish or Self-Publish in the Digital Age?

December 4, 2019, 7.00 pm
Creekside Community Recreation Centre

Olympic Village, 1 Athletes Way, Vancouver

A lively Q&A event with writer-cum-publisher Michael Mirolla and self-publisher Michele Amitrani on writing, publishing & self-publishing.

The Sense of Beauty: Art & Science at CERN

September 25, 2018, 6:30 pm

1131 Howe Street, Vancouver

Screen viewing and Q&A with the film director Valerio Jalongo. The documentary 

shows how in the exploration of the energy that animates the universe science and art, in

different ways, pursue truth and beauty.

A Concert for Piano & Violin

June 20, 2018 at 6:30 pm 
Koerner Hall, Vancouver Academy of Music
1270 Chestnut Street, Vancouver

With Maestros David Gillham (violin) and Chihar Iinuma (piano). The program proposed pieces by the most notable Italian composers including Antonio Vivaldi, Niccolò Paganini, Ottorino Respighi and Tommaso Vitali. With the support of the Consulate General of Italy.

From Doom to Bloom

5 December, 2017, 6:30pm
The Roundhouse - Room B

Professor Daniela Boccassini, in conversation with one of our directors (Dr. Arianna Dagnino), explained why the words

of a late medieval Italian poet matter more than ever in today’s world. Dante's world-famous Commedia, composed 700 years ago during times of hardship, resonates
more than ever with the ring of truth.

A concert for piano with Maestro Domenico Mongelli

June 20, 2017, 6:30pm
St Paul's Anglican Church
1130 Jervis St, Vancouver

With Maestro Domenico Mongelli playing pieces by BC composers David Gordon Duke and Adriane Lake as well as by Claude Debussy, Frans Schubert and César Franck.

Made in Italy or
Made in China?

According to conventional wisdom, while Italian fashion represents creativity and refined style, mass production characterizes ‘Made in China’ garments. Dr. Gaoheng Zhang’s talk focused on the textile and clothing industry in Prato, Italy, which has become emblematic of the presumed conflicts between these two modes of manufacturing.

April 10, 2017, 6.00 pm
UBC Robson Square (Theatre) 
800 Robson St, Vancouver

In cerca di autore:
Luigi Pirandello

31 March 2017, 10:00am - 2:00pm UBC Buchanan B Penthouse 
Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver

A special event in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Luigi Pirandello.

Organized by Italian Studies at UBC in collaboration with The Dante Society and the Consulate General of Italy

Learn More
First AGM & Roundtable

29 November 2016, 6:30pm  Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver

Formal AGM and talk on the history of espresso coffee and the role of coffee culture by Brian Turko of "Milano Coffee. The talk was followed by a roundtable on coffee shops, culture, & nurturing held by "Italian Moms in Vancouver”.

ritratto Dante Alighieri-Pepe Gaka.jpeg
Italian Day on the Drive

June 12, 2016 by “Piazza Italia”, on 3rd Avenue and Commercial

Italian street artist 

“Pepe Gaka” (Giuseppe Percivati, painted live on canvas a replica of Dante Alighieri’s portrait by 

Renaissance painter Boccaccio.
Organized at La Dante’s corner during “Italian Day on the Drive"

Image by Product School

January 27, 2016, 7:00 pm Vancouver Central Public Library

Public lecture held by Dr Arianna Dagnino on the need to conceive urban spaces and buildings that promote the inclusion of new people and new cultures in times of increasing migratory flows.

organized in collaboration with ARPICO

La Dante's Inaugural concert

December 4, 2015, 6:30 pm

Pyatt Hall, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music,

843 Seymour Street, Vancouver

Maestro Domenico Mongelli played pieces by Frédéric Chopin. Dr. Arianna Dagnino introduced the recital with a short talk on "Italy and Chopin."

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