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Vancouver & Seattle join forces!


the Dante Alighieri Societies of British Columbia (Vancouver) and Washington (Seattle) announce a new series of Collaborative Presentations Online! To start with, we are pleased to offer our two January Zoom presentations jointly, offering free registration for each event to our members from Vancouver and Seattle. An email will be sent next week to our Members only with specific registration instructions and more details about each presentation. Meanwhile, save these dates and times!

The Dante Society of Washington Wednesday, January 25, 2023 7:00-9:00 PM registration will be through Dante Society of WA "Il nuovo populismo mediatico: riflessioni a partire dagli scritti di Beppe Severgnini e Umberto Eco" in Italian by Prof. Sergio Mauro

Italian politics is always a mystery to casual observers. So many unique parties and factions. But Italy, like much of the rest of Europe and the US, has seen the rise of populist parties and even recently the ascendancy to power of Giorgia Meloni of the Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) with its ambiguous Fascist roots. Prof Mauro will explore how two respected commentators of Italian politics have taken a broad look at the rise of populism in Italy and the role that the media plays in that process. It's a topic of obvious interest for us here in North America as well.

The Dante Society of British Columbia Friday, January 27, 2023 9:00-10:00 AM registration will be through Dante Society of BC In the Maëlstrom of History. A conversation with Miriam in English

On the occasion of the “Day of Memory for the Shoah”, the Dante Alighieri Society of BC and the Institute of Italian Culture in Toronto invite you to the presentation of the book by Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin, In the Maëlstrom of History. A conversation with Miriam (Arpa D’Or). At the centre of historical events there are always personal stories. In her book, Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin finds the threads that link personal lives to History and creates a choral narrative that explores the experience of the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the lives of people who live along changing national borders.

To become a member of the Dante Society in Vancouver click here

Read the whole newsletter here:

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