Send us an an Italian-themed article or an excerpt from your travel diaries and we will publish it on our blog and social media.
Each month, the best texts are also featured in our newsletter.
Submissions are accepted both in Italian and English.
Tell us about your last trip to Italy or anything that is related to Italy’s culture, language and natural beauty.
Share with us recipes, books, news, tips with an Italian touch and make yourself known in the ItaloSphere!
When submitting your text ( any length between 300 and 1,000 words), please also attach your bio (150 words max, with links to your website or social media pages), a picture related to the topic & relevant links.
Email your text, pics and related documents to
Are you ready to get inspired by Italy and join our team of collaborators? Ready, set...write!
Share wildly if you can! #WritefortheDanteSocietyBC